Closing Dynasty | 2023 | 17m
Genre: Drama/Short | Country: US
Director: Lloyd Lee Choi | Writers: Lloyd Lee Cho
Cast: Milinka Winata, Eleven Lee, Allen Chen
IMDB: 6.6
My Rate: 10/10
Queenie, a 7-year-old girl, tries various ways to collect money on the streets of New York City for a purpose that is unimaginable.
Contains scenes with strong language.
Synopsis of Closing Dynasty:
Queenie (Milinka Winata) asks for donations from people on the subway, claiming that she's collecting money for her school's basketball team. Many people question the truth of this, as it doesn't seem to make sense. Queenie, who fails, looks for other ways to get money.
Queenie does everything she can to get money. She collects
empty cans, sells flowers she stole from a store, and even tries to take
accessories from a house that's for sale. She does it all for a noble purpose
that many people might not understand. She wants to preserve her Dynasty.
Review of Closing Dynasty:
Closing Dynasty has a simple storyline. The story development is very well done considering the very limited time. Some of us might be confused about the relationship between the title and the story presented. Everything will be answered at the end of the story, which makes us amazed by the way the story is conveyed.
The acting from the cast is excellent, especially Milinka, who plays Queenie. Even though she is still a kid, she can convey the message of the character well. Added to that, the cinematography, camera movement, and color composition are good. The music selection is also appropriate for each scene.
This film is highly recommended for those who enjoy simple
stories with deep meaning.
Memorable Scene:
Queenie finds a "diamond" and is very happy,
thinking that she will become rich by selling it. In this scene, we can see the
pure happiness of a young child. She dances all the way to the store where she
wants to sell the diamond.
Memorable Dialogue:
"Yes, I worked hard today."
Must Watch